LieAline Fitting System

How to adjust the lie angle of your Guerin Rife putter.

Four easy steps:

1.Establish setup.
Using your Guerin Rife putter, set up in
your most comfortable address position.
Be sure you are standing on a flat surface.

The Lie Aline fitting system:
The LieAline Fitting System will teach you to automatically setup to every putt in your same natural setup position by providing instant feedback. The very subtle vertical notch, located on the back edge of the top line, will guide you into your correct setup position giving you the greatest chance of producing a consistent and repeatable stroke path. Simply take your normal and comfortable address position and look down the vertical notch. If you see the entire white sight line then your Two Bar putter is setup perfectly for you. If you do not see the entire line then the putter is either too upright or too flat for your natural setup. To make the necessary adjustments use the simple instructions on the LieAline Bending tool and/or follow the instructions detailed in the “Technique of Champions” DVD, both of which are included with every putter. Once you see the entire line through the vertical notch you are guaranteed to setup in the same position every time. Adjustments take just seconds!

The goal is to allow you to adjust the putter to your natural stance instead of adjusting your setup to fit the putter.

  2.Determine your lie angle.
Compare the top alignment line to the center cavity line.
If you see…

..the notch outside the
  cavity line your lie angle
  needs to be more upright.

…the notch inside the
  cavity line your lie angle
  needs to be flatter.

…notch inline with the
   cavity line your lie angle
   is perfect.

 3.Attach lie bender.
Insert the putter face
first, into the lie bender.
(as shown here)
Every Guerin Rife putter includes a free lie bender.

Adjust lie angle.
Securing the bender with both feet, flex the shaft in the desired direction (as determined in step 2. above) to adjust your putter to the ideal lie angle. Don’t worry, you won’t bend the straight part of the shaft.

Note: If you do not have a bender you may use your feet or a non-abrasive vise.

Why is the right lie angle important?
The name “LieAline” literally means the combination of lie angle and target line alignment. Only Guerin Rife putters have this unique feature. By setting the lie angle to create one center sight line that matches the target line, a golfer establishes a constant relationship between the eyes, the hands, the putter head, and the intended line to the hole. This “triangulation” of the eyes, hands and putter promotes a consistent stroke path. By tying this path to the target line, the result is amazing accuracy.

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