Eveyone knows that the "testimonial" section of websites is written by their PR firm. Right?
After using my Rife Two-Bar for two rounds now, I can assure you that those testimonials you read on THIS website are absolutley true and original and reflect the experiece of the writers.
My game has been stymied by 34 putt rounds...round after round. I knew that if I could just get my putting together (I was getting on in regulation all the time) I could score like my driving and short game promised. Get me on
a green...with ANY putter and I was a mess! I couldn't get the ball in the hole. 2 and 3 putt grees standard.
Enter the GR Two-Bar. After watching the video...a MUST SEE for great putting tips and use of the putter, I went to the course and practiced with it. After two rounds, I have dropped from 32 putts per round to only
25...TWICE...and I truly know that I can do even better. THE THING WORKS!! Don't forget to practice for an hour or two to get the feel of this great putter. It'll pay you back in spades!
Guerin Rife, THANK you for saving my golf hobby. I was so seriously bummed by my failure to score on the green that I thought I might have to quit. I am SO PLEASED with my new putter...and so are my partners.
So there, guys. A real testimonal from a real amateur whose handicap is dropping.
Larry Menzel
Northfield, MN
I just have to say the Guerin 2 Bar Mallet Putter is the best putter I have ever used...and I have used many! My playing partners always now comment on my excellent putting. I have made in the last 6 rounds 4 to 5 birdies per round. Before the Guerin 2 Bar Mallet Putter, my handicap index was a 4.6. In only 2 months my handicap has dropped to a 1.3. I attribute my better playing to the Guerin 2 Bar Mallet Putter as I have made no other changes. So, thank-you for manufacturing a superb putter and kudos to your design
Russell Torlage
I just wanted to let you know how much I love your product. I just bought the center shafted mallet putter, went out and had 8 birdies. It was like I couldn't miss. When I was about 20 ft and in I was feeling like I was going to make it...and I was. Great weighting, great feel, great setup, great putter. This putter has made me that more excited about getting out and playing, it has changed my game.
Nathan Wright
Hey guys. I don't really do this that often but I feel so strongly about your product that I must. I am a 5-6 handicapper and i've always struggled with my putter in the past. It was definitely the worst part of my game. Over the winter I picked up a Guerin Two Bar Mallet and i must say that it has completely changed my putting game for the better. I'm not talking a bit better here, we're talking absolutely incredible. My last round i made three birdies and an eagle, all the putts were over 30 feet. This putter just inspires you and gives an unprecedentetd amount of confidence when lining up a putt. You guys have hit the nail on the head with this one and it will be in my bag forever, i've already cut my cap down by three strokes this year!! Thankyou so much!!!
Jordan McConnery
I purchased a 2 bar mallet on vacation a few weeks ago. I have had a chance to putt with this putter now for practice purposes and it has made the play line up. This may be the best technology as far as I am concerned on the market. I am a scratch amatuer player and have played proffesional on three tours. So far, this is the best putter I have ever had in my hands. I didn't believerthe hipe that I saw in the infomercials, but after experiencing it for myself, I am a true believer now. Great job on this putter.
Mike Gravley
Greer, South Carolina
I ordered the 2 bar putter in March. I never thought I would STOP USING my PING putter. I didnt even realize you had a drop 3 strokes handicap guarantee but I am very happy to let you know its for real.I have been a solid 15 handicapper for years and just never could make more than 1 birdie every 4 rounds.Well, its May now and im down to a 12 handicap and its a BLAST NOW THAT I ENJOY MAKING 2-3 birdies every round, what a difference.I have always been skeptical of infomercial products and have been sadly disappointed with online purchases in the past.NOT SO this time, I took a chance since i respect Jim Mclean and I am happy I did.You sell a great PUTTER and I wanted to say THANK YOU,
W. Shane Steele
I would just like to start off by saying that the putter that you have designed has saved my golf career. I just graduated college four months ago and started teaching golf in Knoxville TN. I have been a very good ball stricker for my entire career but my putting has always held me back. I had almost given up on my dream of playing professionaly. i have seen your putter on tv for the past year or so and it caught my attention. I ordered one the other day and i have played three rounds with it. the three rounds before that i had an average of 37 putts per 18. since i have had your putter i average 26. Now i know that i wont putt like that forever but it has given me the confidence to make more putts and be way under par. My last three rounds i am 17 under. i have never posted scores like that in concession. I want to thank you for desinging and producing the greatest putter that i have ever used.
Barry Conatser
Just wanted to let you know that I purchased your putter several weeks ago. I have played 5 rounds with it and my handicap has dropped fom a 13 to an 11 and I shot my personal best yesterday of 77. Only had 25 puts! Money I won paid for the putter.
Great product and thanks!
John Harty